

To my daughter, Korrie on her 12th birthday.


He formed your inward parts, and is aware of all your ways,
Your rising up, your sitting down, He’s written all your days.

The price He paid for you, my dear, was done without a thought,
He knew the cost required, and still after you he sought.

His love for you is immeasurable; a love no one can know,
Yet He decided to make you mine, and to my care bestow.

His child, His jewel, daughter of the Lord on High,
I am unable and unworthy to raise the apple of His eye.

So, Korrie, I want to tell you just how blessed of God I feel,
You are the Lord’s fine treasure, this joy I can’t conceal.

Since the moment you were born, I began to greatly ponder,
Dear God please help me raise your child, so as not to wander!

And here I am so full of glee, delight that’s overflowing,
As you look upon my face, you see that I am glowing!

My Korrie, my daughter, my sunshine and my light,
I’ve loved to watch you grow, to see you learn from every plight.

I don’t mean to be annoying, by going on and on,
But I have to speak God’s blessing now, for one day you’ll be gone.

So as God continues forming you, and shaping you as clay,
Come and let me hug you, and wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

January 28, 2010 - Stephanie Wafer


One year after my grandma passed away suddenly-

Never the Same

A year ago today, our lives forever changed
Everything ceased to matter, nothing remained the same

We gathered as a family and talked about the past
Sorting through pictures, mail, knickknacks, hoping somehow it would last

Recalling Christmases, reunions, weddings and childhoods
Precious moments spent with her, relishing all we could

We laughed, we cried, we yelled, we screamed
We prayed, and kept silent, hoping to awaken from this dream

That day our world stopped spinning, every breath a chore
We sat there in her living room, hoping she’d come through that door

“We love you and we need you!” was all we wanted to say
“You were our rock, our cornerstone; we need just one more day!”

But she was gone, just like that
No hugs, no goodbyes, no way to bring her back

Today I sit remembering that awful, awful day
Reflecting on a year without her, wishing somehow there was a way

A way to say, “I love you.” A way to hold her tight
A way to bring her back and make everything alright

We’ll never be the same again, now that she’s passed away
Our gramma, mom, friend, and strength, Eva Mae

In memory of Eva Mae Allen
3.3.31 – 8.3.10
August 3, 2011 - Stephanie Wafer



I speak with tongues of angels
I share a prophecy
My faith is moving mountains
I know His sovereignty

I understand all mysteries
The things concealed from sight
I give my all to those without
I pray throughout the night

My works are in the name of Christ
I labor for His sake
My patience is enduring
I expose those not awake

I persevere for Him alone
I know by heart His word
I keep the letter of the Law
His precepts I have heard

And then He speaks those words to me
The truth I ought to heed
He whispers and convicts my heart
He knows just what I need

“You’ve labored and you’ve toiled
You’ve worked your life throughout
You’ve countered those against Me
My work you’ve been about”

“I know the places you have gone
I’ve heard your countless prayers
I know the thoughts you think my dear
I know your every hair”

“Your prophecies will fail
Your tongues will cease to be
Your knowledge, it will vanish
You are nothing without Me”

“Remember from where you’ve fallen
And set your eyes above
The thing you have forgotten
Is Me, your first LOVE”

February 14, 2012 –Stephanie Wafer

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