
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Beloved Bride

Going about my Thanksgiving Day, I pondered my hubby’s question to the kids and me: “What are you thankful for today?” As I repeatedly asked myself and the Lord, I came up with the same old stuff… I am thankful for God, for my eternal salvation, for my family, for the freedom to worship, for things to share on my blog, for our health, for God’s provision… you know, the usual ‘Thanksgiving list.’ While forming this mental list, I began to focus in on just how blessed I am by my family, specifically my husband.

I was reminded of a time in Mexico, years ago. Our family drove to what is called ‘El Rancho.’ It’s a large piece of land being made into a family camp by members of the church we were working with. Upon arrival, we found no one there, and I proceeded to get out of the car and explore. However, I was completely unaware of the massive dog the church members use to guard the place. As I naively entered the gates, the monster instinctively charged me. With fangs drawn and eyes blazing, he was after nothing less than my complete destruction, and I froze.

Praise God for my husband! Without a second thought, he stepped between that beast and me, and with all authority, commanded he leave. Would you believe that horrid creature actually obeyed?! He immediately turned and went on his way, not bothering me again. Of course, I stayed by my husband’s side the remainder of the day. I knew without a doubt that dog was watching me, waiting for an opportune time to finish what he started (Luke 4:13); to finish me off for good.

Oh how thankful I am for my husband! He did not even take a second to question what he should do in that situation. All concern for himself vanished the moment he saw his bride in danger. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard him speak with such authority or seen that look in his eyes. So, to answer my husband’s original question- Yes, I am thankful for all the usual things on my ‘Thanksgiving list,’ but I am overwhelmingly thankful for my amazing husband. He works hard every day to provide and take care of us. He is the type of daddy to our children I never expected. His passion for God and His Word is rare and wonderful. His devotion to me is more than I anticipated. He is the image of a Bridegroom I desperately look forward to spending eternity with. A Bridegroom with all power and authority, holding Satan at bay, not considering His own life, but offering it up for me. I thank God for my wonderful husband, and my amazing Bridegroom. What a beloved bride I am!

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