
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Distracted Much?

I got to have my nephews (ages ten and eleven) over for the weekend after Thanksgiving. You know my son hardly spoke to me the whole time they were here! He scarcely even looked my way! No hugs, no “Good morning mom,” no complaints of dire boredom. Not even an annoying plea for attention by spontaneously throwing himself off the couch. I even left the house for a thirty minute run and I’m absolutely positive he had no clue I was gone.

Sometimes I anticipate these times, calling up friends and pleading for them to send their child over so I can have a moment’s peace. But this weekend I felt utterly invisible and useless. Of course, that feeling was quickly replaced with the old desire for solitude after the boys returned home and my son was again deathly bored, hungry, and in need of my full attention.

As I sat in my quiet, lonely house, watching the boys play in the backyard, I thanked God for my nephews. Of course I also shared with Him my feelings of insignificance. Sinking into self-pity, my heart was convicted of doing this exact thing to my Father. Wow! How often am I distracted with busyness: family, friends, school, housework, my mother/taxicab service, all really important things! There have been times in my life that God surrounded me day in and day out with dear sisters in the Lord. As I look back on those times, I thank God for them! What a blessing my sisters are. I also reflect on the countless times I took my cares, frustrations, hardships, even my moments of excitement to those sisters rather than to my Father.  I am so easily distracted.

Jesus was a busy, busy man, but even He knew He needed time alone with God (Mark 1:35). Whether it was before the sun rose, late into the night, or in the heat of the day, Jesus took time to acknowledge His Father; to cast His burdens upon Him (Matt 26:36-44), to thank Him (Jn 11:41-42). Just as I noticed the absence of my son’s presence in my bed the next morning as he went running for the Wii with his cousins, my Father is fully aware of the countless times I pass Him by, heading straight for my ‘to do list’ or the exciting book I’m currently captivated by (that darn Kindle).

As my son came back into the house to move onto their next grand adventure, I pulled him aside and gently reminded him of his obligation to hug his mom every day. He quickly obeyed, squeezed my neck, told me he loved me, and was off and running once more. I was immediately restored as mother again! Is your Father pulling you aside today? Is He gently reminding you that He is there, waiting to spend even a moment together? I hope that I will be quick to acknowledge His tug, tell Him about my day, my cares, my worries, my joys, and most of all that I love Him.

Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you;
And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the LORD is a God of justice;
Blessed are all those who wait for Him.
~Isaiah 30:18


  1. Amen, Stephanie! He's the one to turn to :)

  2. Yes He is, Jennifer. I think sometimes we don't turn to Him simply because we don't have time to devote an hour in prayer, reading, meditating.... When all the while He longs for even just a moment with us. How blessed He is when we acknowledge and talk with Him. And how blessed we are in return.
    Thanks so much for reading, and for your comment. Blessings to you today!


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