Wow, this whole blogging thing might be getting out of control! Ten seconds ago I was sweeping my neglected floors and had another ‘I have to stop everything I’m doing and blog about this!’ moment. (And I was worried about running out of things to say?) So, my kitchen is half swept and here I am, again. I anticipate my laptop vanishing, my hubby being responsible for the disappearance, as he comes home day after day to an unkept house with dirty floors and heaps of laundry. If I suddenly stop posting, you’ll know why!
Anyway, as I was attempting to please the hubby by clean, clean, cleaning, I was taken aback by things I had slowly grown blind to: the growing mass of mail on my microwave, the neighbor’s leaves covering my backyard, my son’s numerous drawings taped to the kitchen wall, the smudged fingerprints throughout every window and sliding glass door. When did all this happen? Surely when I went to bed last night the place was spotless!
Unfortunately this happens in our spiritual lives as well. Over time we begin to grow blind to the ‘stuff’ that has slowly crept in, to the invasion taking place: that movie or TV series, those secret novels, bitterness and resentment toward someone, lustful desires for another man or women, pride in ourselves and our works, impatience, the list goes on and on.
The funny thing is, we really never grow blind to these things in the lives of those around us. If you were to stop by, you would probably immediately take note of my mountainous collection of mail and unkept windows. Likewise, there’s a good chance you notice the sin in my life well before I see it myself. While you’re examining me, I am in Lala Land, thinking everything is organized and in shipshape. However, I am noticing how cluttered and chaotic your life is. (Not really, I actually find you all perfectly presentable with not a sin in the world! Haha!)
You see, unless we take time to examine ourselves, we will not only continue in blindness of our depleting state, but will begin to draw further and further from the One that wants to cleans us. The living and powerful Word of God is a discerner of our heart’s thoughts and intents (Heb 4:12). It is through God’s Word that this ‘stuff’ is revealed to us, as if looking into a mirror and realizing, ‘wow, when did that happen!’ (Jas 1:22-25). As a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, the Word cleanses our ways so that we may be righteous before Him (Ps 119:9,105). It is when we are not looking into it daily, letting it reflect upon us, that we so easily fall prey to the bondage of sin and self-righteousness.

So, before I come knocking on your door, pointing out the speck in your eye, I am going to take time with God’s Word, asking Him to do some house cleaning and remove the plank from my eye (Matt 7:3-5). You better do the same, because I will be stopping by soon! Now, go get some housework done!
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and
spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner
of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
-Hebrews 4:12
I like your example of looking into a mirror. You know that once over you usually do in the mirror before you walk out of the house? I need a reminded to do a once over of my own attitude before I walk out that door as well. Perhaps I'll grab my dry erase marker and write myself a little reminder. It is so important to continuously examine ourselves in light of God's word. Thanks for the post, Stephanie! :)
ReplyDeleteI accidentally stumbled on your blog today and it was exactly what I needed! I have been so blind to my spiritual laziness lately and I need to get cleaning! I pray my own blog affects others the way yours has affected me today! Blessings,
I am so glad you 'stumbled' onto my blog! And how encouraging that it was such a blessing to you! Isn't it just amazing when God leads us to just the right thing at just the right time. Thankfully He is right there, ready to help you get some cleaning done :) Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the comment!
ReplyDeleteRachel Allison, thanks for the reminder. I must confess I often get far more caught up with examining what is on the outside rather than what is going on inside. That dry erase board by the front door- GREAT IDEA!