
Monday, December 19, 2011

From Stressed to Blessed

Alright friends, here we are, December 19th and only six days until the Big Day! Can you believe it!? Every year it seems to descend upon us quicker than the last. Before we know it, time has escaped us and we are left with only days to accomplish the impossible. Get the Christmas cards mailed- will they even make it in time? Oh well, nothing wrong with receiving a card after Christmas… maybe I should send it as a New Year’s card
instead! Oh dear, what about the lights!? Christmas isn’t Christmas without the lights! However will the hubby find hours to spend on the roof before the Big Day?! Panic is setting in! Dinner? Cookies? If we are going to have a real Christmas we must make it a feast. The door bell rings. It’s my all too thoughtful neighbor delivering an amazing assortment of edible gifts. Really? And now I have yet one more necessity to pile upon my mile long list because, well, I will not receive without giving back! Ahhhhhhh! I am overwhelmed to the point of tears. I cannot possibly do it all, Lord! Who do You think I am? Super Woman? I am overwhelmed! Overwhelmed. This word devours me lately.

But God. Let me repeat that- But God. I love when the scriptures include a “But God.” Whenever I read those two words I am immediately relieved with anticipation of God’s Buts. (Please don’t read that the wrong way!) He gave me some Buts today and I can’t help but share with you! As the enemy came against Jehoshaphat and was too much for him to bear, God proclaimed “Do not be afraid or dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chr 20:15). “My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever “ (Ps 73:26). And my favorite: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8).

When I am dismayed and overwhelmed over the great multitude of things I must conquer, I take heart that this battle is not mine, but God’s. My flesh and my heart fail, but God is my strength! I choose not to be overwhelmed by my list, but rather overwhelmed by the affection of a God that loved me and died for me while I was yet a sinner, despising and hating Him. I am overwhelmed at the miraculous birth that took place over two thousand years ago. I am overwhelmed that this perfect God-Child grew to be the Servant of servants, yet King of kings, all the while seeking, loving, and choosing me. This God, this Love, this Friend of mine, He is overwhelming. And all of a sudden, I am devoured by an overwhelming God rather than an overwhelming list.

And as the Psalmist pleas, so will I: “From the end of the earth I will cry unto You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I” (Ps 61:2).


  1. Oh, I love, love, love today's message. Thank you missy!!!

  2. You are welcome. I would love, love, love for you not to comment as Anonymous, Mom :)

  3. Amen! :) What an important reminder as the holiday approaches.


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