
Monday, January 30, 2012

Everything's Gonna Be Okay

“Everything’s gonna be okay, mom!”

She’s been yelling it through the house for weeks now. I’m not sure what started it, or why she feels the need to remind me every day, over, and over, and over again. Am I so stressed and overwhelmed with life that my fourteen-year-old feels the need to put things back into perspective for me? I certainly hope not! But, I welcome these words!

“Everything’s gonna be okay, mom!”

From out of nowhere they smack me in the face, and instantly I feel relief. What’s funny is that most of the time I don’t even realize my stress. There I am, going about my daily duties, folding clothes, sweeping the floor, driving the kids to school, and BAM- those words are thrown at me. It’s at that moment that I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. It’s at that moment that I allow myself to exhale and relax. It’s at that moment that I realize everything IS going to be okay. EVERYTHING! And it’s at that moment that I am incredibly thankful for my fourteen-year-old! (Oh how I NEED to be thankful for her; to be reminded of how precious she is and how much I need her.)

I love how God speaks to me- in so many ways. I love that He allows me to be taught by the one I am obligated to teach. Doesn’t He know exactly WHAT to say, and exactly HOW to say it?! Only He knows that anyone else could say those exact words to me, and they wouldn’t quite have the same effect.

“Everything’s gonna be okay, mom!”

Yes, EVERYTHING IS going to be okay!


  1. Oh boy...I needed to hear this one today!!! Feels like you are saying this to me. Thanks. Mom

    1. Haha! Good! Now you know how I'm feeling as she yells it at me :) A simple, yet necessary reminder.

  2. Thanks, Steph and IS all going to be ok! Always needing the reminder.

    1. :) Yes. It may not seem ok now, and I may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, bit IT ALL WILL BE OK :)

  3. Your daughter has a sweet heart, to pick up on your stressed moments like that. Thanks for sharing. =)

    1. She does have a sweet heart! And I need to be reminded of it during our trials. I am thankful for her and I thank God that He has already set plans for her life. I pray I am able to help her walk in them.

  4. I say the same thing to my mom when she's stressing out. Either that or, "Relax. God is in control." and she says the same things to me when I need them. Often though, I'll just rub her shoulders for a few minutes. It slows her down a little, make her relax, and gets her breathing again. ;)

    1. Would you make a trip to Oregon? I could use a good shoulder massage :) I'm sure your mom is grateful for you, as I am for my girl. Daughters are such a blessing, and there is no other like them! Thanks for visiting, Rachel.

    2. That would be fun! Wish I could! ;) Around here I'm the go-to girl for back rubs. I plan to go into massage therapy, so everybody claims they're simply being nice and letting me practice on them. haha ;)
      Always happy to stop by and read what you have to say, Stephanie! :)


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