
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Three Words

Beth Moore’s post from her Living Proof Ministries blog inspired me to reflect on the past year and ask God for three words that characterize 2011 for me. I offer you this same opportunity. Please share your three words with us and a short (or long) paragraph explaining each.

I'll go first J I call mine the three A’s.

ACCOMPLISHED- God sent and used (and continues using) my husband in Phoenix, Arizona among a group of Romanians, building relationships, teaching, discipling, and instilling the vision of discipleship. He has done and continues doing a wonderful work in it. What previously sounded ridiculous and impossible turned out to be incredibly fulfilling as I finished my first two years of college and received a degree at 32 years old. God relieved my back pain and allowed me to start doing something I have always desired to do- run. And (most days) I enjoy and look forward to it. God confirmed gifts in me and has begun stirring them up, teaching me to walk in obedience, and blessing the fruit of that labor and obedience. Yes, this has been a year of witnessing God accomplish much in and through us.

AWARENESS- My daughter, Korrie (my oldest child) turned thirteen, became a teenager, and officially made me old! It’s been wonderful and eye-opening in so many ways. Every single day she surprises me and I realize that she’s unlike any other child of God. He is miraculously forming her into a woman after Him, despite my failures and short comings as her
mother. My son, Joseph (my youngest child) hit the double digits turning ten, and made me old again! Through this process of watching my kiddos develop their own personalities and relationships, I am learning that God is in control of every aspect of their lives both large and small. And I am unspeakably grateful to be used by Him in such a way. I am also keenly aware of how quickly they are changing and growing and will be leaving the nest to begin their own adventures filled with happiness, joys, heartaches, and struggles.

AWED- My Lord has poured out His love upon me in ways I could not even imagine, allowing me to draw closer to Him and gain a deeper, richer understanding of His adoration and compassion for me. And with this understanding comes an awe and a realization that the more I know Him and His love, the less I understand it. He is so incomprehensible, yet personal in a way I cannot fully receive. I only pray that this New Year brings more awe, more understanding, and a deeper sense of who He is, how He loves, and who I am in Him.
I cannot wait to read about your three words!  Won’t it be fun to look back at these words next year and reflect on the changes God faithfully walks us through? Please, please, please share and don’t be shy!
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  1. Hi Stephanie,
    I enjoy reading your blog and I am encouraged by your thoughts. As I look back on 2011 I have one word in 3 circumstances...just to keep up with the 3' GRATITUDE for God's JEALOUS LOVE. It is so humbling for me to know that God, creator of the universe and king of kings ( and many more titles I don't have room to write) has such an immense love for me, a simple human. GRATITUDE for the FAMILY he has blessed me with. I have a godly man to follow, a rare think I might add, and 3 amazing children that God has saw fit for me to what a privilege to be entrusted with God's amazing people...and speaking of God's people, GRATITUDE for BROTHERS AND SISTERS in Christ. I have learned to cherish them this year more than ever. They were there when I needed to be stirred up in my faith and challenged to get up and run the race. What a blessing to have people that are leaving their life with one goal in their hearts and in their glorify GOD in whatever circumstances keeping their eyes on the things above. New year, new challenges, new UNCHANGING GOD.
    Happy New Year.
    Bianca Olar

  2. Well said, Bianca. I think GRATITUDE is a word we could all add to the list, because He gives us so much to be grateful for. In every situation, both good and bad, there is always the hand of God working all things out for His good. Thank you so much for sharing! I too have a rare, godly man to follow and learn from.
    Thanks so much for stopping by, and for the wonderful, person gift of honey you sent us! I also really enjoyed the card. I hope your family had a great Christmas. May God bless you abundantly!

  3. I've been thinking on what 3 words I would use to characterize this last year for me. It was really good to kind of recap and refresh for a new year, thanks for passing on the idea. My 3 words would be Failure, faithfulness & fruitfulness. Failure because it has been a year with death of some dreams, relationships, etc and it has left us searching for a lot of answers and asking the question did we fail, did God's plan fail... I don't have answers to all the questions. But all this searching has been beautifully hard and we are left with the second word. God is faithful, His faithfulness has shown through again and again through all the "failure" and change. And He is continuing to call us to keep up the faith and strive toward greater faithfulness in our lives. And lastly the word fruitfulness. Through the feelings of failure we ask questions about where's the fruit, what does/should the fruit look like... And through it all I am learning not to look through my own eyes to judge fruit, but to be patient and all God to be the judge of the Fruit, for He is faithful.

  4. Hi Staci. I miss you! We need to Zumba together again, or just go for a walk (or run) or something. It's so good to hear from you :) Thanks for sharing your heart with us and I'm so glad you took the opportunity to recap, allowing God to remind you just how perfectly He works in ALL THINGS. I think back through all you and your family have been through and I KNOW God's hand has been at work the whole way. Thank you, Staci for your obedience to Him, your unstoppable desire to serve, and your encouraging Love for the Savior, His people, and the lost.
    I am blessed to know you and your family and I anticipate seeing what HE does in the future in and through you guys.

  5. Steph,

    Miss you too! Would be great to get together and sweat, talk & laugh again. I am blessed by your blog, keep it up!

  6. I am blessed that you are blessed. :) And I will keep it up as long as HE enables me to. Have a great day, Stac.


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