
Saturday, May 11, 2013

To be Judge or Judged {Are you a Subject or a Predicate}

If I sit as an observer, watching the unfolding of a court case, and witnessing the final verdict offered by the judge, I am nothing more than a spectator. If I then go and tell others of the outcome, sharing on the judge's final ruling, I have become a reporter to some degree. When I begin sharing the judge's conclusion and offering my opinion on the verdict, I then make myself a critic of the judge himself.

There's a misconception in our society today. There are those who suppose that individuals merely reporting what the judge has already ruled are actually making themselves a judge. This is simply not so. To judge and to report on a judge's ruling are two entirely different deeds. As Christians, we believe that our God, the Righteous Judge, has already ruled and therefore judged sin and sinners. He has proclaimed what is and isn't right or wrong. When we, observers of His Ways and His Word, share with others that which He has already judged, we are in no way making ourselves judge.

Looking back at my original example of an observer in a court hearing, it wasn't until I began evaluating the judge's final ruling that I began evaluating the judge. And when I began evaluating the judge, no doubt it was at that moment that I put myself in the place of judge. Not only did I put myself in the place of judge, but I put myself as judge over the original judge.

And so it is in our society today: rather than be judged by a Mighty and Perfect Judge, we have attempted to place that Judge on trial and begun to judge His final verdict according to our standards of moral right and wrong. We, merely spectators and reporters, nothing more than the dust of the earth who are here today and gone tomorrow, are weighing the motives and intentions of the only True Judge; the creation has begun judging the Creator of all we are and see.

Who do we think we are to even consider judging such a Judge?

"The ancient man approached God (or even angels) as the accused person approaches his judge. For the modern man, the roles are reversed. He is the judge: God is in the dock… the trial may even end in God's acquittal. But the important thing is that Man is on the bench and God in the dock,"
~C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock

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