
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Shedding Tears and Sin {Five Minute Friday}

Lisa-Jo offers the challenge week after week: take a measly five minutes and write. No over thinking, no backtracking, no ‘wait, that’s not spiritual enough, and I can’t share that in cyber city’ mentality. Only writing. Writing for five minutes and risking the outcome. {and don’t forget to spend some time commenting on the post of the person who linked up just before you.}

This week's prompt- Rhythm


It's been a week of exhaustion and exaltation. We've welcomed little ones and walked them right up to that cross. They drew a little picture, wrote their name on that print, and marched one after another. "Jesus is calling you by name." I tell her. She looks at me, eyes wide and full of wonder. "He loves you and He wants to wash away your sin. Put that sin right there on that cross. Right there where Jesus' blood poured out."

And I see the tears. This isn't a game to her. She knows she's a sinner and she knows Jesus is here. Now. I hug her and she walks away.

They come one after another. "Jesus loves you so much, and He's calling you by your name." I fear it's too repetitive, but I know the words are true. The first time and the hundredth time. And the words aren't my own but they are life and they come from the Life Giver.

One after another. Coming to the cross and shedding the tears and the sins and the life they lived this morning in their living rooms and at their kitchen tables with Mom and Dad and neighbors who watch from across the way.

It's more than words. It's the rhythm of a Savior and the power of the Holy Spirit working through the heart of servants.


It's been an emotional experience of Vacation Bible School at our church this week. Would you pray for God's little ones tomorrow? And for His big one's sharing Christ's love, forgiveness, and merciful grace? Their hearts are raw and ready. And Jesus is calling each one by name.

Now head over to The Gypsy Mama's site to visit other 'Five Minute Fridayers.' Be amazed at where one word can take a community of writers and Jesus lovers, and leave some encouraging feedback. Most importantly, it's your turn, go fall onto a chair, and let your thoughts fall into a keyboard. Then share them with us. 

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  1. Hi Stephanie! I came over from Lisa-jo's. I love your words here. Those little ones. So precious. I've never volunteered for the children's ministry at my church, but after this I just might have to. I've heard that the children bless you more than you bless them. It must be their innocence and their child-like faith. God bless them. And thank you for sharing with us! :)

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, the children's ministry is not a glorified place to be. It's filled with trials and tantrums and little people with big attitudes. However, the blessings far outweigh the struggles. I'm always honored to have ministered and come to find myself ministered to.
      I'm blessed you stopped by, and I encourage you to take that step and minister to His little faith builders :)

  2. Oh goodness, childlike faith, brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing, and yes prayers for many more touched hearts at your vbs. <3

    1. Thank you, Joann for your visit, your words of encouragement, and your prayers!

  3. There is nothing more rewarding than witnessing little ones give their hearts to Jesus. I've been privileged to serve in our CM department now for over 17 years. I pray that I've imparted and made a difference. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    1. Hi Barbie. Bless you for serving His little ones! I can only imagine the stories you must have, and the impact you've had on so many. Thanks for visiting :)

  4. Oh this gave me goosebumps. So beautiful. "It's the rhythm of a Savior and the power of the Holy Spirit working through the heart of servants." Praying that many more be touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Hi Beth! I'm blessed you stopped by and commented. Thanks so much for your prayers. It can be hard to see how the Spirit is moving in another's heart, and we are simply honored to serve despite the lack of visible fruit. Seeing the transformation in even just one child is humbling. It's beyond words. I cannot even begin to imagine what that does to the heart of their Shepherd; seeing his little ones come to Him all sin bound and walking away saturated in His love and forgiveness.
      Thanks for your visit, Beth :)

  5. I absolutely love the purity of this post and the sweet souls that inspired it. Bless you for the work you've done in sowing seeds that will in His time, blossom. Stopped by from Five Minute Friday!

    1. Thank you so much! God is amazing, isn't He? Watching the face of children experience Jesus is life-changing and life-challenging. I am challenged by their faith. Thanks so much for your visit and your comment :)


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