
Guest Book

Yep, this page is all about you!

This is your opportunity to bless me and others by sharing what God is doing in your life. Don't be shy. Post once or post daily. Share a little or a lot, but whatever you do, PLEASE SHARE! Be generous and let it all out! Looking forward to hearing from you J


  1. Yay! A guest book! I love these things ;) what's God been doing in my life lately? Well, He's been trying me a little, but teaching me so much! Actually, I'd really appreciate some prayer for wisdom and patience right now.
    Other than that, what? Oh yes! He brought this awesome lady's blog to my attention - her name is Stephanie Wafer and her blog is a blessing ;)

  2. Welcome back, Rachel Allison! What a blessing you are. I am praying for you right now and will mention you to my family during our family devotion/prayer time tonight :)

    Trials, teaching, wisdom, and patience.. sounds like a time for James 1:2-6.
    Ask and you shall receive and I will also ask on your behalf.

    One last thing, your compliment is too kind! I appreciate every word! Thanks for returning and I hope to hear from you again soon :)

  3. Hi Stephanie,this is amazing! I seen where Kathy (your mom):) shared this on Facebook and I clicked on it. This is so inspiring! What a wonderful thing you are sharing! Thank you!!! :) Patti (Ryland and Ozi's Aunt)

  4. Thanks so much, Patti! Wow, I'm so excited you visited. Thanks for the wonderful comment and I hope you stop by as often as possible :) I look forward to reading your comments! (I'll have to thank my mom again for sharing on Facebook!)

  5. You are so very welcome! :) Two days in a row now I have been trying to do homework but not really feeling much into it, then I read your blog and I just get so inspired! You really lift my spirits up, thank you!!! :)

  6. You have no idea how encouraging YOU are! To see that my little rambles are ‘inspiring’ someone else spurs me on and makes it all more worthwhile- not that blogging for me and my Lord is not enough or anything- it’s just so much more thrilling to know I might be exciting someone else! My prayers for this blog are to stir others up in Christ, so praise God if He can use me for that in your life! (Being content with serving the Him and only Him, with not caring whether others see or read, is something I have a long way to grow in!)

  7. Today was my first visit to your site and it truly blessed me. I too started a blog to encourage others and share how God has shown Himself in each aspect of my life. This has been a difficult year for me starting with the loss of my mother in January and going down hill from there. But God truly is faithful and has carried me through with His grace and mercy. Thank you for reaching out through this venue to encourage and uplift us. We're all in this together!
    (By the way... I like this concept of a Guest Book... I may borrow it for my own site! :) )

  8. So glad you are here, Lena! I enjoyed finding the Guest Book on your blog. Yes, God is faithful and knows exactly what we are going through and what we need. I love seeing His hand in everyday circumstances -difficult and joyfull ones alike. Only He can take something as difficult as losing a parent and bring something so amazing from it. May you bless many with your testimony! Hope to see you back soon. :)

  9. Stephanie... I'm so glad we can be "blog-sisters"! I have a young mom who I have never met, but we have become great friends just by sharing each other's blogs. I think by writing we expose more of our hearts than we sometimes do when speaking face to face and God just knits our hearts together.
    I look forward to sharing more and more with you.

  10. Wow Stephanie! Your words for today are so true to my heart! Once again thank you! :}

  11. Amen, Lena! We need each other desperately for encouragement, motivation, correction, and sometimes just to know that we are not alone in these struggles and this life. And yes, it is by far easier for me to share my heart through writing. So good to find new "sisters" via blogging! :)

  12. You are welcome, Patti! Thanks again for reading :) God bless you. :)

  13. Stephanie,
    I just "followed" your blog after reading a bit (via Good Morning Girls). I'm a homeschooling wife, mom, Christian, runner, blogger, animal lover, and I love photography. (Learning how to use my new DSLR is on the "to do" list in the "me" time later on!!
    Anyway, will you come visit me at my blog and "follow" me, too? It's nice to have lots of like-minded connections out there!

    Mary Gandee

    1. I'm so glad you visited, Mary! Welcome to my little page :) I am following you now!

    2. Yes! Thank you:) Hope you're having a wonderful Monday!

  14. Thinking of you this week, Stephanie, and praying for you. :) Hope things are going well.

    1. Thank you, Rachel. It's always good to see that you have stopped by :) I've been off the 'blogging radar' a lot lately and it's such a blessing to get on here and see that you stopped by for a visit! Thanks for your prayers. We are good here; getting over a house full of sickness, which is a relief! God bless you, Rachel! :)

  15. Hi Stephanie. Just thought I'd stop by quickly and let you know I'm thinking of and praying for you. Hope all is well on your end, friend.

    1. I miss you, Joy! And I appriciate you stopping by; always so sweet. (goodness, it's been months!)I'm going to have to spend some time catching up with your blog. I hope you are doing well!

  16. This is the first time I've checked your blog. It looks so nice. I will try to check it more thoroughly as time allows. It takes TIME to blog and also to read blogs!

    1. Hi Mariane! Welcome to my site :) I'm so glad you made your way here. I can so relate! I have 'met' some pretty amazing people through blogging, but haven't been keeping up lately. Gotta get back into that because it's such a blessing! Anyway, I hope your family is doing well! God bless you all! :)


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