
Thursday, December 8, 2011

It is Written

This morning I read about the temptation of Jesus in Matthew chapter 4. The preceding chapter tells us that Jesus was baptized by a reluctant (who wouldn’t be) John the Baptist. As soon as Jesus came out of the water, the Spirit of God descended upon Him like a dove, and an audible voice spoke from heaven proclaiming “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt 3:13-17). What a glorious moment this must have been! I am constantly seeking to envision these events as exactly that, actual events; to see them as more than a simple ‘story’ from a book, but rather real life occurrences with real living people. When it comes to the life of Jesus however, it is the most daunting task because, well, He was and is not only Man but God. It doesn’t really get any more complicated than that. So, I am left struggling to relate to the life of this God-Man.

However, as I read this morning, I’m able to see some of my own circumstances and difficulties. It seems that immediately following this wondrous event, “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matt 4:1). What a way to ruin a perfectly wonderful day! Looking back on my own baptism years ago, I recall it being so foundational for me; knowing nothing of the scriptures, only that I desperately needed Christ, I came out of that water a changed child of God. There was no dove or audible voice from heaven, but the Spirit of God was active in my life, and has been ever since. I wish I could say I have walked in obedience to Him from that moment on, but no, I still am and always will be a work in progress. And His incessant message to me: YOU ARE MY BELOVED.

It wasn’t until I read this passage again this morning that I realized these are the exact words the Father said regarding His Son, “This is My beloved Son. 
Oh how often I need this reminder! Remind me again, Lord, remind me again! I can’t help but pay special attention to the fact that Satan tried desperately to make Jesus doubt who He was “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” And again “If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down” (Matt 4:3,6). Now, I’m in no way implying Jesus ever doubted his identity as the Son of God, but there is no question Satan tried desperately to tempt Him into doing so. Likewise I have no doubt he tempts me in the same way and truth be told, he is quite successful at times.

How do I defeat my enemy in this battle? How do I proclaim victory from doubt? Exactly how Jesus did: with the Word of God. There it is again, the Word of God. Are you growing weary yet? Have I frustrated you into deleting my web address so you never have to endure this again? God is urgently trying to speak to one of us, and I presume it must be YOU! (Just kidding! Please know I never share something He is not actively striving to teach me. I suspect I gain substantially more from my ramblings than you do!) Jesus combated Satan’s lies with scripture “It is written” “It is written” “It is written” (Matt 4:4,7,10). Do you know what is written? When Satan says you are not God’s, can you swing that sword, confidently proclaiming “Away with you, Satan! It is written that I have been redeemed! It is written that I have been called by name! It is written that I am a child of God!” (Isa 43:1)? Lord, I pray You would grant us strength to live according to the example of Jesus Christ.  Amen.


For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we
are, yet without sin.
-Hebrews 4:15


Voice Of Truth - Casting Crowns- YouTube


  1. Hey Steph,

    Your words are an encouragement & like iron sharpening me. I am blessed to see God showing Himself through the gifts He has given you. (Hopefully I can actually figure out how to post this comment, I had user error issues the other day :)

  2. Glad to see you, Staci! I wondered if you were still reading :) And you are not alone in the user error issues. Even when I comment it makes me log in a few times before the comment actually goes through. Don't be discouraged :) And thanks so much for your encouragement. Hearing others share on here is like iron sharpening me as well..... Truth is, we desperately need each other. God bless, Staci!

  3. So very true! This is yet another reason why it is important that we stay in the Word! And, in the same fashion as Christ in His temptation, reply to these lies with the Truth. Thanks for the post, Stephanie! :)

  4. Hi RachelAllison! I have had to do this constantly yesterday and today- battle the lies with the truth of God. Thankfully my hubby has helped, reminding me that Christ in control, encouraging me to walk in truth, and praying for me. Every time I sit down to write a post lately it seems I keep going back to this- BE IN THE WORD. So, I'm in the Word, and I just pray whatever He is trying to tell me I will have the grace to hear and respond. Anyway, glad you stopped by today :) And thanks for sending Joy over! God bless.

  5. Has has been saying the same to me.... I'm praying for a deeper hunger for His Word. I am amazed to see the way that I can read the same chapters or books once again and find things that I did not catch before. His Word is so full!
    You're very welcome! :) Glad to point people to your writing(:

  6. Amen! That must be the 'living and active' part of His Word. No matter how often we read it, there is always something new and wonderful! :) I too desire more of a hunger for that Word.


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