
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Truth, and Nothing but the Truth

I’ve heard it said that a bank teller, handling money day in and day out, when given a phony bill, recognizes the counterfeit instantly. Whether or not the teller is schooled in the variations between the real and the fake will make no difference. The secret to instant recognition is in the fact that they are continually handling true authentic money, and as soon as a counterfeit slides through their fingers, they immediately identify it as nothing more than a copy of the real thing. They know without a doubt, although it starkly resembles money, it is in fact completely worthless.  

My sister, employed for Columbia Sportswear as an Apparel Quality Specialist, travels abroad for work several times a year. Recently I sent her on a mission to purchase some ‘Seven’ jeans for me since they are substantially less expensive oversees than they are here. She hadn’t previously researched this brand of jean and had no idea that a counterfeit would state ‘Aemove’ or ‘Day’ rather than ‘Remove’ and ‘Dry’ on the tag. She wasn’t aware of the fact that the real jean has a large tag sown between two smaller tags, unlike the fake.* Because she is a specialist in her work, and knows the ins and outs of materials better than most, she was able to instantly recognize the ‘Seven’ jeans I desperately coveted for about $30 were nothing more than fakes. I was greatly disappointed, but also thankful to keep my $30.

You know, years ago, I formed in my own mind the need to gain all the knowledge I could regarding the Jehovah’s Witness religion in order to ‘save’ them all from Hell’s fire. So, I began researching a great deal, reading the writings of Walter Martin (who I greatly admire and respect for his gift in understanding innumerable religions) and studying the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ own literature. What I learned:
IF YOU DIG IN THE TRASH, YOU WILL GET DIRTY. That merits repeating- IF YOU DIG IN THE TRASH, YOU WILL GET DIRTY. Ok, that’s not all I learned, but it is definitely a lesson I walked away with. I also discovered what a complicated cult this is, with incredibly devoted followers. Their doctrine is of Satan, and he tried desperately to deceive me into believing it- almost successfully!

Praise God for His truth and the power of prayer. You see, because I had handled the word of God, because I knew the truth in scripture, I was able to determine the authentic, genuine, REAL gospel from the phony counterfeit of Jehovah’s Witnesses. And yes, there are imitation gospels out there.

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
-Galatians 1:8-9

Not only are there fake gospels, but a fake Jesus and a fake spirit!

For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted- you may well put up with it!
2 Corinthians 11:4

So, what’s my point? I’ve said it in past posts and I’m saying it again- READ THE BIBLE! The only way for us to be safe and secure from the deceptions of false doctrine is to know the truth of God’s Word. If we are in His Word daily, hiding it in our heart, letting it form and shape us, we will not have to study the multiple false gospels that are not only in this world, but also in our churches, to identify them as phony. Just as bank tellers instantly recognize fraud and my sister safely discerns authentic material, we, as followers of Christ and His Word, must be able to distinguish a counterfeit Christ, gospel, or spirit upon first touch. READ THE WORD OF GOD and don’t allow yourself to be ripped off. Your soul is far more valuable than my $30.

Study to shew theyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
-2 Timothy 2:15

To learn more about the state of the “American Church” and its leaders, click here. To hear a recent teaching by my pastor regarding this topic in Nehemiah chapter 13 click here.


  1. I am extremely impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one nowadays..

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by, taking the time to read, and comment, musicgenx. What a wonderful compliment! Having only blogged for a few weeks now, your response is completely unexpected and well received :) Thanks so much. This theme is absolutely free and I have tried desperately to customize in a way that is simple, yet inviting, and will draw the reader to the message rather than the 'look' of the blog. I hope to see you back! :) May God bless you.

  3. Amen! It is so important that we are familiar with this faith that we profess. So many Christians today have no idea what they even believe. You question them and are met with a series of uh's and um's. Keep in the Word! How important this is.
    Thanks for the post, Stephanie! :)

  4. Stephanie, I have to agree with the first commenter. You're doing a great job on your blog! Keep it up, sister!!!

    Great post, too. Totally agree with your summation: rather than studying all the "fakes" out there, we need to really invest time to learn the Truth.

  5. Rachel- I couldn't agree with you more. It is so discouraging to hear a fellow follower has walked away from Christ because they have fallen for a lie. The only way to remain safe in the faith is to keep in the word, in prayer, and in fellowship with His people. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!

    Rebecca- So good to see you here! All the way from Mexico! We are freezing, how's the weather there? It was so good to see that Sarah is home :) And thanks for your wonderful comment. Those are the kinds of things that encourage and help us press on! God bless you and your wonderfully big family! :)

  6. My blogging friend RachelAllison linked this to me. It's so encouraging to read this article! I couldn't agree with you more: If you dig in the dirt, you get dirty. The only protection is knowledge and discernment of Christ, which we only get through reading the Word. Nothing makes me more angry than to see people spreading the devil's lies under the banner of "Christianity",and it is so so sad to see many in the Church blinded by false doctrines and lulled to sleep by lies.

    Ps. I recently wrote a blogpost about "One Truth" on my own blog, if you wanted to check it out:

  7. That sweet RachelAllison! What a blessing she is. I'm so glad she sent you may way. Sounds like the Lord is speaking some of the same things to you. Lately is seems whenever I sit down to write up a new post I end up back to The Word of God. Goodness, it is so vital in every aspect of our lives! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, Joy. I will head over and check out your post now :)


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