Two days ago, while driving my kids to school, I saw a police officer on the side of the road, lights flashing, and some poor soul presumably receiving a ticket and the third degree. After arriving at the school, shoving the kids out of the car (just kidding), and heading back home, I saw the same scene: same officer, yet a different poor soul this time. Later that day as I drove to pick my kids up, I saw this officer yet again, with another soul parked on the side of the road. Yesterday morning, on our way to school, there he was again! I thought to myself “Wow, he has no mercy!” (Ok, maybe it was a ‘she,’ I never actually saw the officer.) Finally, later that afternoon I was making the usual journey in rescuing my brilliant kiddos from school, and, you guessed it: same officer, another soul! I voiced out loud to no one but myself “I cannot believe this guy! He literally sits and waits for any and all unknown victims, pouncing them as quickly as he can! One wrong move, and there he is, enforcing the law and assuring the penalty is paid!”
Okay, so maybe that’s a little harsh, but really? Does he have to go after poor, hurried parents, desperately trying to avoid their kids being late for school? I mean come on, give mom and dad a break. This guy is obviously NOT a parent! Anyway, let’s get to my point. And I do have a point!
As I continued my trek to the school, I was struck by the thought that this is so often the way we view our Heavenly Father: a big, mighty god always watching; watching and waiting for us to mess up. Not just waiting for us to mess up, but EXPECTING us to mess up. Like he has some kind of quota to fill, so many tickets he has to write in a day. And as soon as we do (and we all do) he becomes the harsh judge and we the worthless, guilty criminals. He wastes no time in proclaiming guilt, demanding justice is served, and the penalty paid. What a horrible deception! What a repulsive picture of a loving God.
The reality is, this is exactly what our enemy is doing: walking about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1Pet 5:8). He jumps at the chance to accuse us before God day and night (Rev 12:10)! God’s word says there is NO CONDEMNATION for His children (Rom 8:1), that His thoughts for us are for GOOD, not evil (Jer 28:11). He is full of MERCY, GRACE, ENDLESS PATIENCE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and FORGIVENESS (Ex 34:6-7). Does this sound like a god watching and waiting for us to break his rules? No! That would be our enemy seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Satan transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14); the very counterfeit of God. Does he not also take his own characteristics and tempt us to transfer them onto God? I pray for the grace to not only believe in God, but to also believe Him (John 3:36); to believe the truth about Him and the truth about who I am in Him. And I pray I don't see that cop on the side of the road this morning! :)

I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
~Psalm 23:4
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