The changes of seasons are sometimes beautiful and anxiously anticipated. We look forward to the colors of fall, moving into a schedule with the new school year, and the coming of gathered family for the holidays. On the other hand, this new season can bring dreaded coldness and dryness distinctly unlike the drought of summer. We may begin moving about each day as if in some sort of trance, stuck in the daily grind of work, school, sports, laundry, dishes, only to tuck the kids in at night so we can wake and do it all over again. Oh the mundaness of it all. Hehe, my computer tells me ‘mundaness’ is not a word. It is obviously NOT a mother, because this word fits into my life day in and day out. Yours?
How about you? Do you ever have that feeling of being stuck in a rut? Ever feel as if you’re in a dry wilderness, gasping for a taste of God, a small drop of His presence, just a sip of His Word; struggling for life? Your soul thirsting for God, your flesh longing for Him, in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water (Ps 63:1). At times we feel as if we wander, gazing upon the mountain before us, longing for that mountaintop experience. We know we’ve been there before, long ago. We remember the sensation; the same one Peter, James, and John must have felt as they stood atop that mount with the transfigured Lord of Lords (Matt 17). Looking back summons feelings of disgust at our current, parched situation. “How did I get here again? Why do I do this to myself? Why do I do it to You, Lord? Where have I gone wrong?” We may even plead with Him to take us from this place.
Recently an elder of my home fellowship referred to this mountain in life in a sermon entitled Who are your Angels?. He described it as having a track around it and talked of walking around and around that track; around and around that mountain. He went on to tell how he repeatedly saw the same scenery over and over again. In his frustrated and discouraged state he said, “He we are again, same old place, God.” Sound familiar? I had to laugh as he shared only because I’ve been in the same place so many times myself. However, God responded to his cries of frustration, whispering, “No. Every time you go around that track you are higher on the mountain.” This, my dear sister, was a drop of God’s presence for a thirsty soul. This was a sip of His Word that we so long for when in that place. God is faithful and sometimes we just need a change in perspective.
The way of life winds upward for the wise,
That he may turn away from hell below.
~Proverbs 15:24
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